“Keeping the Flame alive”
Last updated 05 September 2023
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Mission Statement
The Flame Lily Foundation endeavours to assist former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe who are legal permanent residents of South Africa. We provide or facilitate Residential Accommodation for persons over the age of 60, where possible. When called upon, we provide limited welfare assistance to deserving former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe, in particular to the aged and the disabled. We also endeavour to preserve the heritage of Rhodesia and to promote interest in the country’s history and culture. To achieve these objects, we rely on the goodwill of the South African community as a whole, former residents of Rhodesia in general, and dedicated volunteers in particular.
Who We Are
The Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) is registered with the South African Department of Social Development as a non-profit organisation with welfare and cultural objectives (Registration Number 001-747 NPO), run for Rhodesians by Rhodesians. We rely entirely on the goodwill of volunteers to achieve our objectives in South Africa and abroad. Our principal objective is to provide or facilitate residential accommodation for former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe.
What We Do
We promote, further and secure the interests of former residents of Rhodesia living in South Africa in a variety of ways.
For example, we established a good working relationship with the Zimbabwe Government Pensions Office in Harare. This enabled us to help certain pensioners to overcome their problems until pensions ceased to be remitted altogether. We have set up a project to assist pensioners, whose pensions have been withheld in Zimbabwe, to have them restored after 2009.
Another example is the strong submission made by the FLF to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission against the SABC, thus vindicating former Rhodesian Security Forces who had been falsely accused of carrying out “necklacing” during hostilities in Rhodesia.
We have established homes in Stilfontein (near Klerksdorp in the Northwest Province) to meet the needs of senior citizens. Many Rhodesians have bought affordable houses in Stilfontein as a result of publicity generated by the FLF. We also do what we can to help the aged and the disabled in other ways.
The FLF is intent on preserving the history and heritage of Rhodesia.
We want our children and future generations to have access to an accurate record of the Rhodesian era. To this end, we have a reference and film library in Pretoria, and have passed valuable records to the United Kingdom for long-term preservation in a Museum. We also promote the dissemination of accurate information of historical significance on Rhodesia.
We commemorate events such as the Centenary Celebrations in 1990 and Remembrance Sunday annually to ensure that we do not forget our heritage and those who lost their lives for Rhodesia.
The FLF keeps its members informed on matters of mutual interest by means of newsletters, an annual magazine, and e-mails of special interest on developments in Zimbabwe.
We provide opportunities for our members and friends to meet socially, and promote the camaraderie that is so important in “Keeping the Flame alive”.
For further details, please contact:
The Honorary National Secretary
Flame Lily Foundation
Cell: +27 (0) 81 806 1737
PO Box 95474
South Africa
Alternatively, you may email the Honorary National Secretary at rasa@iafrica.com.
Please report technical problems with the FLF website to the Webmaster.
Please support the following Rhodesian links:
The Flame Lily Foundation is a South African-registered Non-Profit Organisation and Public Benefit Organisation, and has no connection or relationship whatsoever with Thomas Vallance who has used the name Flame Lily Foundation in Zimbabwe, or with any other organisation of the same name.
The Flame Lily Foundation does not use the name Flame Lily Association, and has no link with any organisation using this name.
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